
Monday, June 18, 2007

Mail Art Update!

A batch of one dozen pieces of mail art were sent out today, about half of the pieces were destined for the Vancouver/Lower Mailand area, one to New Zealand (ouch- nasty postage!) and the rest are scattering across the United States.
Just a note: I'm unsure how much longer I will be able to send mail art to the United States, Canada Post wants .93 cents per envelope, whereas at home, it's .55 cents. Sadly, it does begin to add up.
In the meatime, hope you enjoy your mail art. Better yet, I hope that you've forgotten about ordering them, so you'll have an extra vibrant surprise in your mail boxes.
Creative wishes,


Magenta said...
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Magenta said...
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Magenta said...

Woo Hooo! What a lovely surprise to receive this week, totally forgot about it. The piece, Celebrate - Uncommon #039,is perfect for me. The woman in the picture is 'quiet beauty,' inner beauty, at peace with herself and her surrounds, unlike me. Wings represent freedom, take flight. For me, wings might also be about taking a leap of faith, getting out of the box...which I have been in. Three, the number of years in a complex, crazy making situation. 3-God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Heart-love, the kind that goes deep, that would never hurt or destroy. Lots of gold...wealth, which comes in many forms, not just cash. Gold - Royalty. Celebrate the simple things, the unusual, not the obvious. Joy and peace in our hearts, focus like children, on the Uncommon...the inside of a foxglove and how awesome it is. Mr and Mrs Robin who sing back and forth all day with different songs and tones. How lovely to hear the the female echo back what he says. He listens and if he doesn't get a reply will repeat his refrain until he does. If she doesn't call make, he changes his call...to me he is checking that she is ok.

Thank you Krystin for your beautiful and thought provoking piece. Sorry to hear of a tragedy in your life, I hope you will be filled with peace.


11:10 AM