
Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Gratitude for May 24th 2005

Yes, here I am again, back at the page, ready to take my own advice. It has been too long since I have been actively posting daily gratitude. Today, I am hoping that by returning to the habit, it will be just the thing to catapault me over the fence into optimism!!

Today I am grateful:

That I did not have to work the holiday Monday, yes, I went in on Sunday evening, but I will pretend that it allowed me to truly appreciate the Monday off!

I was able to have dinner with my family, at the kitchentable last night (all four of us!). Yes, a true rarity these days! Heck, for that matter, I got to eat a home-cooked dinner on a weeknight- double bonus!!

That after two weeks, I have had the clarity to return to being a non-smoker. I am very glad, that I recognized my detrimental behaviour before it became a full out addiction. I am now nine days cigarette free! Let me say, that I very much admire anyone who has ever quit smoking, and never returned to the habit! Wow!

I am grateful that Trinity is having the benefit of having a cat, without us actually owning one. I peeked out the kitchen window in time to see Trinity sitting quietly, chatting with Niro, our upstairs neighbours cat.

Hmmm, and in closing, I am grateful that I am in the process of learning how to physically relax. I went for my pedicure the other day, and lay back the entire hour, just focusing on my breath, and enjoying my foot rub!

Thanks for visiting, hopefully I will be back tomorrow with another five gratitudes!

